Sunday Weakness


When I look back on the week

I wonder what went wrong

Here comes Sunday weakness

When yesterday I was strong


Acted out like a true hooligan

Although no football was involved

Lets gather the lads to see what’s up

And all them problems will be solved


We meet up for a couple of pints

So sick of this small town

So sick of this style

Here comes Sunday weakness

Not even beer is worth wile


Tell me will I ever find

The strength to never mind

And make me forget I was ever here

Please tell me are you kind

Can you help me leave behind

All this chaos in my life everywhere


Back home my door is busted

And I can’t figure why

Empty cans rattle in the wind

And I just want to die


So come to me, sunday weakness

Let me shiver and get well

I´ll tame you, my sweetest mistress

On this bloody road to hell







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